Welcome, I'm Steve!
Whether you are just a beginner that is just starting to code, an intermediate, or an established veteran developer, there are always similar challenges that we face when it comes to learning to code. Everyone has or will encounter them, and yet we all have the ability to overcome them. At times, it can feel daunting or frustrating and you may feel discouraged, but overcoming those challenges can always feel rewarding and worthwhile.
The tech industry is constantly growing and evolving, and as a result it’s important to know what’s going on and keep your skills sharp. However, you can’t learn or know it all. To become an expert developer, you really need to focus and specialise in something.
You should always begin by finding the programming language that really interests you and you enjoy. From there, you can start to invest your time in constantly expanding your skills. Ensure that you identify some reliable resources that will help you to keep up to date with what is going on.
There is so much information on the internet these days, so find and follow certain thought-leaders and influencers with the same interests. There will still be more than enough to learn, but you will be able to stay focused and able to enhance your relevant skill set.
Learning to code is like learning any new skill; you start with the basics and build a foundation, then grow your knowledge from there. It can be difficult and can take time, and sometimes we never seem to have a lot of spare time available.
Fitting learning to code into your life can be a challenge in itself, but with some self-learning programmes can be flexible enough so that you can find the right balance that works for you. Alongside this, keeping yourself motivated to learn is a common and recurring challenge.
Whilst learning to code online can be flexible and empowering, you will also have to be self-disciplined if you want to succeed. You may be able to get some support and encouragement from family members or friends. However, reality is that you are the only one responsible for making sure you do the work to achieve your goals.
Sometimes coding can be trial and error until you get it just right. This does not just apply to when you are learning, it can also apply to a seasoned developer. An expert can experience unexpected bugs and issues that arise and you will have to patiently work through the code to resolve them.
From each of those experiences, you will learn something that is valuable and that may come in handy in the future. Your patience, perseverance and your desire to continuously learn will be a few of your most powerful traits as a developer.
At some point, you are going to be frustrated and it may feel tempting to quit. Try taking a break and go back to it later with a fresh mind, it might take an hour or so but when you return the problem may seem a lot easier to resolve in the end. Developers at all stages of their career have gone through these stages of frustration, and they will continue to do so.
If you are in need of any more coding information, why not take a look around the site where I shall try to provide and help you gain further knowledge through various articles, snippets of code or helpful links. Otherwise, you are welcome to contact me directly.
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